金邦正 字仲蕃。年三十岁。生于杭州。兄邦平。前农商总长。永久通信处。天津南开学校转。已婚。初学于南京江南格致书院。天津南开学校。北京税务学堂。宣统元年。以官费游美。宣统二年。入康奈尔大学。习林科。民国三年。得学士。及林科硕士学位。为被选入某名誉学会。民国三年。回国。任安徽省立第一农业学校校长。兼安徽省立森林局局长。现仍续任。现时通信处。安徽省城系马椿三百号。
king, p. c.-born in hangchow, chekiang, 1887. married, 1914. studied at nankiang college of science, 1901-2; at nankai school, tientsin, 1905-8; at customs college, peking, 1908-9. arrived in america, november, 1909. government support. prepared for college at williston seminary, 1909-10. studied forestry at cornell university, 1910-14. b.s. and m.f. 1914. elected to sigma xi, may, 1914. returned to china, october, 1914. principal, agricultural college and director, bureau of forestry, anking, 1915 to date.