金猷澍 字慰侬。年三十五岁。生于安徽霍邱。家中住址。安徽休宁县万安街瓯山素风轩三房。已婚。子一。女三。初学于直隶高等学堂。任奉天全省学务处科员。及奉天广东印刷局局长。为警钟及国民日报等通信员。光緖三十二年。自费游美。旋补官费。入安谋斯学校。光緖三十三年。入吴斯特实业学校。习电气工程科。宣统二年。入威斯康心大学。宣统三年。得电气工程师学位。曾为各学会会员。及美国科学报等报经理。又在普通电气公司。任学习工程师。宣统三年回国。为上海各报编辑及经理。民国二年。任上海殖边银行副行长。民国三年。任哈尔滨殖边银行行长。民国五年。为吉黑二省殖边银行总经理。曾为工程师会会长。编著民国二年世界年鉴。现时住址。吉林哈尔滨南二道街。
chin, yushu.-born in hwachow, anhui, 1882. married, 1904. studied at chili provincial college, paoting, 1902-5. graduated, 1905. editor, the alarming bell, mukden, 1903-6. general manager, kwangtung press, mukden, 1905-6. arrived in america, june, 1906. government support. prepared for college at amherst high school, 1906-8. studied electrical engineering at worcester polytechnic institute, 1908-10; at the university of wisconsin, 1910-11. e.e., 1911. member of various organizations and frequent contributor of articles to worcester telegram, the scientific ameri-can, etc. manager, the tech, 1909-10. student engineer, general electrical company, 1910. returned to china, august, 1911. manager and editor of several papers, shanghai, 1911-13. sub-manager, bank of territorial develop-ment, shanghai, 1913. manager, bank of territorial development, harbin, 1914-15. general manager, bank of territorial development, n. manchuria, 1916. director, engineering club, 1914. author, "the almanac of 1913", etc.