吴祖耀 字觉生。年二十九岁。生于天津。永久通信处。北京掌扇胡同二号。已婚。女一。初毕业于日本横滨圣约瑟学校。宣统元年。自费游美。入威斯康心大学。习化学。民国二年。得学士学位。民国三年。得硕士学位。为美国化学会会员。为中国学生会副会长。撰测定炭质之新法说。载美国化学会杂志。曾以化学得学金奖。发明测定炭质之新法。民国三年回国。任湖南高等师范学校化学教员。民国四年。任中央农事试验场化学师。民国五年。任交通传习所化学教员。现时通信处。北京中铁匠胡同三十六号。
woo, koksan j.-born in tientsin, 1888. married, 1915. stud-ied at st. joseph's college, yokohama, japan, 1904-9. graduated, 1909. arrived in america, september, 1909. private support. studied chemistry at the university of wisconsin, 1909-14. b.s., 1913; m.s. 1914. member, american chemical society, 1913. vice-president, chinese students' club, 1913-14. author, "new method for the determination of carbon", journal of american chemical society, 1913. awarded scholarship in chemistry, wisconsin, 1913-14. invented a new method for the determination of car-bon, 1913. returned to china, october, 1914. professor of chemistry, hunan government teachers' college, 1914-15. chemist, central agricul-tural experiment station, 1915-16. professor of chemistry, college of communications, 1916 to date.