宋发祥 字致长。年三十四岁。生于福建兴化。本籍住址。福建莆田县龙门下。已婚。子二。女一。初学于兴化英华学校。光緖二十六年。自费游美。入威斯林大学。习理科。光緖三十一年。得学士学位。光緖三十二年。得硕士学位。入芝加哥大学。光緖三十三年。得学士学位。是年回国。任福建高等学堂教员。光緖三十四年。任京师大学堂化学教员。宣统元年。兼任度支部国币化验处会办。民国二年。任财政部技正。民国三年。任苏州银元局监督。及印刷局会办。民国四年。任财政部造币总分各厂总稽查。兼江苏督军署顾问。民国六年。任南京造币厂厂长。给予三等文虎章。及三等嘉禾章。现时通信处。北京东城新开路十二号。
sung, far t.-born in hsinghua, fukien, 1883. married, 1907. studied at anglo-chinese school, hsinghua, 1896-1900. arrived in america, august, 1900. private support. studied science at ohio wesleyan
university, 1900-5; at the university of chicago, 1905-7. b.sc., ohio wesleyan, 1905; b. sc., chicago, 1907; m. s., ohio wesleyan, 1906. returned to china, august, 1907. teacher, fukien provincial college, 1907. professor of chemistry, government university, peking, 1908-12. technical expert, ministry of finance, 1913. co-director, assaying office, ministry of finance, 1912-13. director, soochow mint and co-director, bureau of engineering, 1914. inspector-general of mints, ministry of fin-ance, 1914-16. adviser to the tuchun of kiangsu, 1915-16. director, nan-king mint, 1917. third class wen hu and third class chia ho decorations.