沈溯明 字夏英。年二十六岁。生于浙江湖州。父廷琛。业丝。本籍住址。浙江湖州马军巷。初学于湖州中学。浙江高等学堂。及南洋公学。以学绩第一得金牌奖。宣统三年。以官费游美。入米西根大学。习化学。民国二年。入康奈尔大学。民国四年。得学士学位。为美国化学会及世界会会员。为留美学生月报经理。曾在美京权衡度量局。及某铁公司。充化学师。民国四年。回国。任湖北高等师范学校化学教员。现时通信处。武昌高等师范学校。
shen, sumin ellsworth.-born in huchow, chekiang, 1891. married, 1915. studied at huchow memphis school, 1905-9; at chekiang high normal school, 1909-10; at nanyang college, shanghai, 1910-11. arrived in america, september, 1911. government support. studied chemistry at the university of michigan, 1911-13; at cornell university, 1913-15. b.a., 1915. member: american chemical association, 1902; cosmopolitan club, 1913-15. manager, chinese students' monthly, 1914-15. assistant chemist, bureau of standards, washington, d. c., summer, 1914. chemist, lakawana steel co., 1915. returned to china, september, 1915. professor of chemistry, wuchang government teachers' college, 1915 to date.