沈宝善 字楚纫。年三十三岁。生于上海。弟宝勋。幼读。已婚。初毕业上海圣约翰书院。得学士学位。尝以翻译得奖。宣统二年。任杭州交涉司文案及伍廷芳博士书记。民国元年。任上海交涉司文案。为约翰声编辑。民国二年。任驻美游学监督处文案。至美。入华盛顿大学。习国际法及外交。民国四年。得硕士学位。为国际法学会会员。平和促进会会员。民国五年。任驻美使馆主事。是年八月回国。为政治学会会员。及二十世纪会会员。住址及通信处。上海南市万裕街四十号。
shen, pao-shen. (t. c. shen).-born in shanghai, 1884. mar-ried. studied at st. john's university, shanghai, 1904-9. b.a., 1909. awarded a medal for best translation, 1908. secretary, bureau of foreign affairs, hang-chow and secretary to dr. wu ting-fang, 1910. secretary, bureau of foreign affairs, shanghai, 1912. editor, st. john's echo. arrived in america, april, 1913. secretary, chinese educational mission, washington, d. c., 1913-16. studied international law and diplomacy at george washington university, 1913-16. a.m., 1915. member: international law society, 1914-16; league
to enforce peace, 1916. member, chinese legation at washington, d. c., 1916. returned to china, august, 1916. member, chinese political and social science association and 20th century club, 1916.