李淸茂 字必魁。年三十三岁。生于檀香山。已婚。女四。初学于檀香山鄂湖学校。毕业于上海圣约翰大学。光緖三十三年。自费游美。入本薛文尼大学。习医科。宣统元年。得医学士学位。并以眼科医术。得美金百元之奖。回国。任广州大学医科教员。民国二年。任湖南红十字会医院院长。兼长沙雅礼医院医员。民国四年。再游美。入本薛文尼大学医学专科。得有本薛文尼眼科医院眼科医士文凭。民国五年。回国。任上海红十字会医院医生。及哈佛医院外诊部医生。民国六年。任北京协和医院医生。为中国教会医学会。及中华医学会会员。现时通信处。北京协和医院。
li, tsing-meu.-born in honolulu, hawaii, 1884. married, 1909. studied at oahu college, honolulu, 1898-1902; at st. john's university, shang-hai, 1902-7. graduated, 1907. arrived in america, june, 1907. private support. studied medicine at the university of pennsylvania, 1907-9. m.d., 1909. awarded $100 for clinical medicine, june, 1909. returned to china, august, 1909. professor, university medical school, canton, 1909-13. physician in charge, hunan red cross hospital and associate physician, yale hospital, changsha, 1913-14. revisited america, january, 1915. joined the philadelphia polyclinic hospital and college for graduates of medicine, 1915-16. graduated with diploma in ophthalmology, 1915. member, red cross hospital and har-vard out patient department staff, shanghai, 1916-17. physician, union medical hospital, peking, 1917. member: china medical missionary associa-tion, 1909-14; national medical association of china, 1916.