李灿基 字伯曜。年四十岁。生于上海。叔福畴。未婚。初学于香港拔萃书室。皇仁书院。毕业于天津北洋大学。任广州英文学校英文教员。三水凤冈高等小学数学教员。粤汉铁路副工程师。光緖三十年。以官费游美。入麻省工业学校。习卫生工程。光緖三十二年。入吴思德工业学校。光緖三十四年。入本薛文尼大学。为经济学会会员。曾在波士顿华盛顿水利淸道局实习。又在本薛文尼铁路转运公司实习。宣统二年。回国。任两广高等工业学堂建筑工程师。民国元年。任广东工务司水利工程师。兼两广高等师范学校机器画教员。民国二年。任岭海建筑测绘所经理及工程师。为广会化学会及中华工程师会会员。现时通信处。广东省城仁济大街七十三号。
lee, beiyao tsanchi.-born in shanghai, 1877. studied at dio-cesan school, hongkong, 1891-94; at queen's college, hongkong, 1895; at peiyang university, tientsin, 1896-99. b.c.e., 1899. teacher in english. english educational school, canton, 1901. teacher in mathematics, samshui school, sanshui, 1902. assistant engineer, canton-hankow railway, 1903. arrived in america, june, 1904. government support. studied sanitary engineering at massachusetts institute of technology, 1904-5; at worcester polytechnic institute, 1906-8; at the university of pennsylvania, 1908-9. member, economics club, 1908-9. was with water and sewerage board, boston, 1906; with water sewerage and highway departments, philadelphia and washington, 1907; with rapid transit and pennsylvania r.r.co., new york, 1908. returned to china, january, 1910. architectural engineer, liangkwang polytechnic insitute, 1910-11. drainage engineer, department of public works, and professor of mechanical drawing, liangkwang gov-ernment teachers' college, canton, 1912-16. manager and engineer, linghoi suryeying and building bureau, canton, 1913-16. member: kwangtung chemical association, 1910; chinese insitute of engineers, 1912-16.