何锦棠 年二十九岁。广东籍。生于檀香山。已婚。初学于檀香山鄂湖学校。为学校杂志襄理。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入威斯康心大学。习经济学。民国元年。得学士学位。又得演讲第二名奖。为威斯康心万国会书记
中 国学生会书记及会长。中部留美学生分会书记。民国元 年。返檀香山。任美檀银行收支员。民国五年。任檀香山 比孝银行保险部干事员。
ho, kim-tong.-born in honolulu, hawaii, 1888. married, 1917. studied at oahu college, honolulu, hawaii, 1903-7. assistant manager, the oahuan, 1906-7. arrived in america, september, 1908. private sup-port. studied economics at the university of wisconsin, 1908-12. b.a., 1912. awarded second prize in senior oratorical contest, 1912. secre-tary, wisconsin chinese students' club, 1910 and president, 1911-12. secretary: chinese students' alliance, mid-west section, 1911-12; wisconsin
international club, 1912. exchange teller, first national bank of hawaii, 1912-16. insurance agent, bank of bishop & co., 1916. present address: 1070 beretania st., honolulu, hawaii.