王绍瀛 字叔海。年二十九岁。生于广东广州。父逊卿。业商。家中住址。香港德辅道中五十八号二楼。已婚。女一。初学于香港格致书院及唐山路矿学堂。宣统二年。以官费游美。入科罗拉多矿业学校。习矿科。民国二年。得矿业工程师学位。是年冬回国。民国三年。任北京第一区矿监督署技正。民国三年以还。任北京大学工科教员。现时住址。北京西四牌楼小院胡同四号。
wang, shao-ying.-born in canton, 1888. married, 1915. stu-died at li shing scientific college, hongkong, 1904-7; at tangshan railway and engineering college, tangshan, 1907-9. arrived in america, august, 1910. government support. studied mining at colorado school of mines, 1910-13. m.e., 1913. returned to china, november, 1913. technical expert, mining office of the first district, peking, 1914-15. professor of mining, government university, peking, 1914 to date.