王正廷 字儒堂。年三十五岁。生于浙江寗波。已婚。子二。女三。初学于天津北洋大学。光緖三十三年。自费游美。入米西根大学。习普通文科。宣统二年。入耶路大学。得学士学位。入耶路大学院一年。被选入某名誉学会。宣统三年回国。任上海靑年会书记。民国元年。任南京临时政府参议员。旋来北京。任工商次长。并代理总长。民国二年至六年。任参议院议员及副议长。给予二等嘉禾章。现时住址。北京林淸宫二十三号。
wang, chengting thomas.-born in ningpo, chekiang, 1882. married, 1902. studied at peiyang university, tientsin. arrived in america, july, 1907. private support. studied liberal arts at the univer-sity of michigan, 1907-8; at yale university, 1908-11. b.a., 1910. elected to phi beta kappa, june, 1910. returned to china, june, 1911. secretary, chinese y.m.c.a., shanghai, 1911. member, provisional legislature, nanking, 1912. vice-minister and acting minister of commerce and indus-try, peking, 1912. member and deputy speaker, senate, peking, 1913-17. second class chia ho decoration.